
What is Bright certification exactly?

What exactly is a Bright test? Bright tests – who takes them and why?

Bright tests offer certification in foreign languages and can determine your level of proficiency in 11 different languages; choose from Bright English, Bright French, Bright Spanish, Bright Italian, Bright German, Bright Portuguese, Bright Dutch, Bright Flemish, Bright Swedish, Bright Russian and Bright Mandarin Chinese.

Telelangue’s educational team provides support and guidance either remotely or in person from the moment you register – assessing your overall understanding of the language concerned, preparing personalised lessons and helping you to acquire the required skills – right up to the day you take the exam.


Bright tests – online certification

Bright tests are primarily a flexible form of certification offered by Bright Language, where the whole exam is taken online. You can either take the test in an education centre or at your company’s premises in the presence of an approved officer – in either case you are under no pressure whatsoever.

 Whether you are taking the course within the framework of the French training credit scheme (CPF) or your company’s skills development plan (formerly known as a “training plan”), you can choose – either on your own or with the help of a Telelangue expert or your human resources department – the most suitable course and the number of hours needed to achieve certification.

Common assessment method

The method of assessment is suitable for all levels, from beginner to expert: based on your results, you obtain a score and a report on areas for improvement. Your skills can then be accredited in terms of your language level via the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), which is divided into levels:

● A1 Beginner and A2 Elementary (“false beginner”)
● B1 Intermediate and B2 Upper Intermediate
●You are considered to be proficient if you achieve level C1 and fluent at level C2
● 785 to 945 points, B2 Upper Intermediate
● And with 945 or more points, you are judged to be an expert, with level C1.

No matter which language you choose from those available in the Bright tests, you will complete a two-part online questionnaire.

● The first section assesses your written skills
● The second section tests your oral skills.

Each section comprises 60 questions and the average time taken is between 45 and 60 minutes. You will get a score of 0 to 5 for both the written and oral tests. Your final score is the sum of these two scores.

After sitting the exam, you will be awarded the official Bright test certificate, which is valid for 2 years. As language skills can change, certification is not permanent.

The Bright test family also includes “Writing Solution”, “Five Star” and the famous “Bliss” test.

Who are Bright tests for?

Bright tests target the professional sector and are very popular with recruitment consultants and human resources departments, and companies also use them to find out about their employees’ overall language skills. Bright tests help to pick out professionals who would be able to operate at an international level, including communicating and taking on responsibilities, or who would be suitable to undertake an assignment in a foreign subsidiary, for example.

Whether you work in finance, real estate, human resources, marketing or communications, your Bright test result will demonstrate your level of proficiency in your chosen language.



Unlike other tests such as the TOEIC, where exams must be taken in an approved examination centre, Bright tests are taken online, and use an agile and reliable method to assess language proficiency in a professional setting.

The Bright test format is very popular for all sorts of company positions as it saves time and provides an effective assessment of someone’s ability in a foreign language.

Bright tests are recognised by the French training credit scheme (CPF), so private individuals can take this approved test and thus obtain certification. They can choose the language in which they wish to improve their skills by means of a simplified digital formula.

Careful analysis of the test results helps beginners with level A1 or A2 acquire the keys to improving their language skills.

With Telelangue, you can make the best use of your time and find the right certification to help you improve your skills, as you can select the timetable and objectives that best suit your needs.

How do I prepare for Bright certification?

Bright tests are intended for the professional sector. The tests refocus the written and oral skills of anyone (private individuals, students and professionals) wishing to add an international dimension to their profile.

Preparation for the test involves oral communication practice and grammar exercises.

Telelangue offers a range of learning methods to help you improve your skills and prepare for the test. For further details, take a look at our website and ask our experts.


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