French as a Foreign Language – improve your skills
Want to improve your French at your own speed, using a method that fits in with your lifestyle and is based on an initial test to find out what level you’re at, so you can really see your progress? Why wait? Start learning French as a Foreign Language with Telelangue right away!
Lessons have never been easier
French is still one of the most beautiful languages in the world – but it’s also one of the most complicated. Even for native speakers, French still has plenty of tricks up its sleeve. Whether you’re a private individual, a student or embarked on a career, the approach is the same. Success with learning a language means giving yourself ambitious, but achievable, objectives. The key to learning is motivation.
The approach to learning French used here at Telelangue is to offer dynamic, success-focused solutions that suit all types of audience.
Telelangue offers a variety of courses in French as a Foreign Language, both in Paris and throughout France. We can offer remote learning programmes using:
- telephone,
- immersive e-learning,
- virtual classrooms
- individual or group coaching
- blended formats that combine face-to-face sessions with digital learning platforms
And there’s even a real-life, in person option too! Come along and learn in one of our language centres or on your own company’s premises.
Learning French is truly within reach
Let spelling, grammar and verb endings be your new strong points! Our various courses will help you find a sense of balance and see which areas are in need of improvement. The courses are based on a method that incorporates performance indicators, so that you can clearly see both your objectives and the progress you have made towards them.
You’ll soon feel you’re speaking French as fluently as your own mother tongue.
Choosing the right course
Telelangue will provide you with the tools you need to learn. Whether you are in a specific professional situation, still studying or preparing to sit an exam, we’ll be at your side to address these everyday challenges.