Be more effective in real-life professional situations!
Our Promise
By working on both your language skills and your communication techniques at the same time, you’ll soon be fully operational in any business situation.
By the end of this course you’ll have confidently overcome the language barrier and thus be able to concentrate on the impact your message makes!
Product benefits
- Practice-based compact format focusing on professional situations
- Highly personalised feedback
- Cost-effective
- Flexible organisation
Each workshop targets a specific situation:
- Presentations
- Meetings
- Negotiations
- Socialising in a professional context
- Writing emails and business texts
- Welcoming visitors
- Customer service
- Remote communication
- Business trips
- Preparation for certification
(TOEIC, BULATS Linguaskill, etc.)
Our tutors
Native speaker instructors, selected for their mastery of both communication techniques and the challenges that can be encountered in a variety of business situations.
Our educational approach
- Developing a language-learning toolbox
- Applying language skills to specific cases
- Role plays
- Dynamic dialogues between learners and instructors
- Use of participants’ materials if desired
- Transfer of communication techniques
The formulas
Skills Workshops are available in two different formats:
- self-standing programmes
- or as part of an optimised multi-channel course that interfaces with other types of e-learning and/or individual remote lessons
On-site rates:
€1,080 EXCL. TAXES for a group of up to 6 people, to include 12 hours of study divided into either 2 full days or 3 half days, plus €59 EXCL. TAXES per person for the audit and learning materials
- At your own premises or in a partner centre
- Optional extra: 90-minute lunches with your instructor for the 2 full days version
Objective: To become more confident using business language and refresh practical skills in professional situations
Prerequisites: Level A2 or above, depending on topic concerned
Target audience: Anyone, including executive directors
Programme: Two 12-hour formulas ( 2 x 6-hour days or 3 x 4 hour half days)
Organisation: At your own premises or in a partner centre Days and times to suit your needs
Method: Face-to-face in a group of 2-6 learners with a similar level of language proficiency
Presentations (levels A2/B1/B2)
Participants learn how to make a presentation in a professional context. By the end of the course, learners will be able to: write a plan; present the topic and its structure; draw the different sections together; answer questions; conclude the presentation satisfactorily.
Welcoming visitors (levels A1/A2/B1)
Participants acquire the required language skills and communication techniques to welcome visitors to their company. By the end of the course, participants will be able to confidently introduce themselves, their company and its business activities; direct people to different departments; ask questions; start conversations; talk about a range of topics.
Meetings (levels A2/B1/B2)
Participants learn to talk to foreign colleagues at a meeting. By the end of the course, they will be able to: give their opinion and ask someone for theirs; say whether they agree or disagree; ask for greater clarity concerning something that has been said; suggest alternatives and reformulate ideas.
Negotiations (levels B1/B2)
Participants learn to negotiate in the context of a win-win relationship. By the end of the course, they will be able to: present an offer; make suggestions and reply to someone else’s; use the techniques of diplomacy (basic modal verbs); accept or refuse a suggestion, arrive at an agreement and conclude the negotiation.
Writing emails and business texts (levels A2/B1)
Participants will improve their written skills regarding emails and business letters. By the end of the course, they will be able to: use suitable language registers; learn the typical expressions used to structure their writing; make requests and provide information; write a complaint, apologise; suggest possible solutions.
Sales Manager (insurance industry)
“The workshop was both interesting and useful! In just a short time I improved my language skills so that I could be more persuasive and to the point in presentations and exchanges with clients. I’d definitely like to go to another workshop”.